Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm jealous. There, I said it.

So... I'm not too keen on public speaking. Actually, my stomach just turned when I typed that - true story. This tid bit probably surprises most of you, seeing as how I am typically the loudest in the crowd, the one cracking jokes and popping off at the mouth. You wanna laugh about your husband cheating on you? Call Jess. You wanna find the humor in the fact that your dog died? Again, call Jess. You want me to help you see the optimistic side about you gaining 20 pounds? Yep, me.  I do find that at times being loud and boisterous can get me into some trouble - I'm used to it.  I suppose it's a good thing that I'm also pretty comfortable and secure with my opinions and decisions, and the people I surround myself with know this about me and appreciate all the funny and not-so-funny stuff that tends to exit my mouth without a first, let alone second, thought.

I dropped my Communications class in college. No way in h-e-double hockey sticks was my happy ass getting up in front of 100 people and reciting a *memorized* speech for 5 minutes. Not on my watch. If I don't know you on a somewhat personal level, I'm sure as hell not going to attempt to stand in front of 100 of you and have you judge my public speaking abilities and social skills. Thanks, but no thanks. Play again. I'm just not comfortable in that type of environment; it's wasn't who I was at that age and still isn't completely who I am now, although I'm getting better... just at a very slow pace.

You see, I want to be a fabulous public speaker. In my dream world, I'd write incredible books about the wisdoms and tragedies that life has afforded me - and hopefully make people laugh their asses off in the process. And after I write them, I want to TALK about them. In front of other people, not just alone in my mirror. Which brings me to this video. Hands down, it's one of my favorites. Of. All. Time. No kidding, I have this entire excerpt memorized. No shit, I have the text printed out onto an 8.5 x 11 and I read it. Sometimes outloud and in the car, sometimes to myself in my office. Not only do I think that this woman (I'll refer to her as Kelly Corrigan because, well, that's her name) preaches the gospel, but I'm jealous of her. Like to the core, want-to-be-her type of jealous...  of course, minus the time in her life when she fought breast cancer with 2 small babies and husband in tow. I mean, this woman is a survivor in every sense of the word. On top of all that, she writes incredible books and even... gasp!... speaks [so eloquently] in public. She is good, people. Damn good. And I want to be like her. And I will.  

Kelly Corrigan - Transcending: Words on Women and Strength