Saturday, October 3, 2009

I don't even have goats!!

A little background to the story...

I'm at Mom and Dad's house. Sipping on my Starbucks and enjoying the crisp morning. Mom is on the computer in the office, she knows I am patiently waiting for her to get off so that I can check my ever-so-important facebook account and read up on about Kandi's (Real Housewife of ATL - RHOA for short from here on out) fiance who was shot and killed last night outside of a strip club. Wait a second... the more I think about this RHOA, the more it becomes bullshit to me. No wonder ATL gets a bad rap. KILLED outside a STRIP CLUB? Anyways... back to the story at hand.

Mom: "Ahhhhhhh! I can't believe it!" (She says/yells this in a loud enough voice for me to actually come INTO the office to see what the ruckus is all about)
Me: "What's going on?"
Mom: "I just got on Facebook, I got a Farmville gift! Ohhhhh, a FARMVILLE GIFT!! I love Farmville gifts!"
Mom: "Wait, it's a sheep! I LOVE SHEEP!"
Me: "Mom, this is ridiculous. I seriously need to get on the computer, I've got some important stuff to do." (I didn't mentioned this 'important stuff' consisted of the above)
Mom: "Hang on a minute, I've got to harvest my farm. The peach trees are ready to be harvested and I have to collect the eggs from the chickens."
Me: "Mom, now you HAVE to get off because this conversation is so ridiculous that now I'm going to have to blog about it."
[Dad walks in and is filled in on the current situation...]
Dad: "She is always on that damn Farmville shit. She's got goats on that damn thing. What the hell are goats good for on a farm anyways? She might as well have an elephant or something."
Mom: "I do NOT have any goats yet! No one has given me any! I would like some, though."

Just a typical morning in the Brown household. No biggie.